All Bibles are revised and updated. That’s why there is the King James and the NEW King James, the New American Standard and the New American Standard 1995 revision.
The Bishops are now releasing a revised New American Bible based on new studies, new development in the English language and more. I for one am happy about this. Here is the Zenit review:
Revised Bible Translation Coming Soon: Reflects Advances in Biblical Languages
WASHINGTON, D.C., JAN. 10, 2011 ( A revised translation of the New American Bible, which aims to be more accurate, will be released March 9.
The U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference announced the forthcoming publication of the New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE), which was approved last Sept. 30.
This revision, the most extensive in the past 20 years, reflects advances in linguistics of the biblical languages, new discoveries of ancient manuscripts, and changes in the English language.
The conference referenced Benedict XVI, who affirmed in “Verbum Domini” that “the inculturation of God’s word is an integral part of the Church’s mission in the world, and a decisive moment in this process is the diffusion of the Bible through the precious work of translation into different languages.”
The press release noted that this new edition “has attempted to be more consistent in rendering Hebrew (or Greek) words and idioms, especially in technical contexts, such as regulations for sacrifices.”
The Psalms were completely revised, and an effort was made to “provide a smooth, rhythmic translation for easy singing or recitation and to retain the concrete imagery of the Hebrew.”
The bishops approved the NABRE for private use and study, though they noted that it was not be used for the Mass, which uses an earlier version of the New American Bible translation.
