When it comes to health care, the administration has heard the voice of the people. And it couldn’t care less.

Chuck  Colson
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During the debate over health care reform, one of the most controversial proposals was for the government to pay for consultations regarding end-of-life treatment.
The tag “death panels” stuck to the proposal like white on rice, and the administration had to drop the idea from the final bill.
But on December 3rd, apparently under cover of darkness, the Obama administration issued a new Medicare regulation that implemented what Congress and the American people explicitly rejected. It authorizes Medicare to pay doctors for “end-of-life-care counseling” during patients’ annual check-ups.
The Administration and its supporters did their level best to keep the regulation quiet. But the New York Times broke the story three weeks later—on Christmas Day!
Read the whole article here and get ready to be counseled why you are a burden to society and should do your civic duty to the country and to your family. Thanks to guys like Chuck Colson (pictured above) for keeping us informed of what the government is doing behind our backs with our money and our lives and our freedoms.
Obama Administration Pulls End-of-Life Counseling Reimbursement
Medscape Medical News, 2011-01-05
