Radio Shows & a Talk on Feast of Immaculate Conception

Don’t forget that Wednesday is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I will doing two radio shows Wednesday morning: 1) on Relevant Radio with Sean Herriott at 7:00 AM and 2) on the new Catholic Community Radio WPYR 1380 AM in Baton Rouge Louisiana at 8:30 AM Eastern time.
In the evening I will be speaking at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo Ohio. I would suggest coming here just to see the magnificent church. The first time I walked in I felt like I was entering one of the stunning churches of Europe. This talk will be at 7:00 PM after the 6:00 Mass.
UPDATE: The show in Baton Rouge (“next door” to Jimmy Swaggart) can be heard on the archived show here. You will have to move the tab to about the middle of the show which is where i talk about the Immaculate Conception.
