From my friend and Canon Lawyer Ed Peters:
“Franz Klein of the Diocese of Lacrosse has a nice spread on Archbishop, and-one-day-shy-of-being-formally Cardinal, Burke in the on-line The Catholic Times (18 Nov. 2010, page 3B). Klein offers a good overview of Burke’s typical day at the Apostolic Signatura, and of the esteem in which he is held by those concerned for the proper coordination of law and theology. The essay even features a few quotes by yours truly. So enjoy!
“It’s been another good week for the Church: Archbishop Dolan elected president of the USCCB, Archbishop Burke, among others, elevated to the College of Cardinals.
“Let’s just remember, though, the trials of the Church in places like China, where bishops faithful to the Holy See are being forced to attend on Saturday an episcopal ordination performed in violation of 1983 CIC 1382. Think of it as two strides forward, one shove back. Oremus pro invicem.
“Speaking of cardinals, I have updated my list of Cardinal Electors.”
Interview with Archbishop Burke after announcement of his appointment to Cardinal.
