From my friend and Canon Lawyer Ed Peters:

“The version of the story I heard was that Tim Dolan, then an eighth grader at Holy Infant Parish in Saint Louis, rang the rectory doorbell one day and told the pastor that he wanted to do something to help the Church. The priest glanced at his shaggy yard and said, “Well, okay, how about you cut the lawn?” Timmy Dolan threw himself into the project, did a good job, and rang the doorbell to ask for his next assignment. One thing led to another, as they say, and today Abp. Timothy Dolan of New York, in a stunning break with the way things were supposed to happen, was elected president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
“Abp. Dolan wants no congratulations, but he regularly begs for prayers, so, while we are baking cookies with green M&Ms to celebrate his election, we will also remember to pray for the former ecclesial greens-keeper as he takes on his latest project to help the Church. Keep in mind, he shoulders this role
without the customary two-years to “read up” on things. It’s a heavy responsibility; good thing Abp. Dolan takes himself so lightly.
“If any congrats are due, it’s congrats to the bishops’ conference for having had the good sense to choose Abp. Timothy Dolan as their leader.”

For more on Archbishop Dolan in Wikipedia.
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