The topic: “Is the only good Muslim a bad Muslim?” I myself would argue in the affirmative.

The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts– one of a handful of Catholic colleges nationwide praised by the Cardinal Newman Society for its strong Catholic identity– has hosted a debate between Peter Kreeft and Robert Spencer on the question “Is the Only Good Muslim a Bad Muslim?”
“Essentially, when Muhammad was weak and unpopular, he asked members of other faiths to live and let live,” said Spencer, director of Jihadwatch. “Once he controlled the city of Medina and led an army, he received new revelations that called for jihad and religious persecution. Islamic scholars believe that the later revelations abrogated (or overruled) the earlier ones. But when they are in a position of weakness– as they are today in America– Muslims like to cite the peaceful verses.”
“I would say that today the spirit of the secular Enlightenment– which rejects God altogether, and encourages us to worship ourselves– is far more dangerous to our souls than a world religion that is devoted to worshiping the same God as Christians and Jews, albeit in a partial, somewhat primitive and distorted manner,” said Kreeft, a Boston College philosophy professor and author of numerous works of apologetics.

For more info, a review and a video, click here.
