Fr. Gerald's Comments on our Pilgrimage

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Wow! Here is a wonderful priest — Fr. Gerald Gawronski — the spiritual director for our June 2006 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I snapped this picture after calling out "Hey Father!"

He was with our 50 pilgrims sailing on the Sea of Galilee. (For 350+ pictures, click here.) He was very loved by the pilgrims. He was always available for confession, for prayer and he was humorous and fun. He is MY priest for traveling to the Holy Land. Thank God for these marvelous young priests who take the faith seriously!

Click here to read Fr. Gerald's report about our pilgrimage — he was the priest who accompanied us on our June pilgrimge to Israel. He is a marvelous priest at Old St. Patrick's in Whitmore Lake Michigan.

 There are a lot of LUCKY and BLESSED people at Old St. Pat's that have Fr. Gerald as their priest. I hope they all love and support him!
