On September 10, Fr. Spitzer was invited to appear on Larry King Live to provide an opposing viewpoint to the claim put forth in Stephen Hawking’s latest controversial work, The Grand Design, that “no God is required” to explain the creation of the universe. (Click image for article and video)
Dr. Hawking appeared earlier in the same program, while Fr. Spitzer, Hawking’s coauthor Leonard Mlodinow, and writer Deepak Chopra were invited to debate the topic, “Did God Create the Universe?”
A video of that portion of the show is embedded below. If you’re primarily interested in seeing Fr. Spitzer’s comments, you can find them at the very start of the video and at 4:53 … 9:30 … 12:40 … 17:01 … 19:50 … and 22:28. Placing your cursor over the black box at the bottom of the video frame will bring the scroll bar into view.
For Jimmy Akin on this issue, visit Part I and Part II.
