Aren’t we all tired of old liturgies from the first centuries? Shouldn’t we update our church services? The time has come to compete with Hollywood and the new generation!

Announcing!  Here is the NEW model of church — for the new generation who’s tired of the same old, same old, same old….

This Sunday, join the NEW form of worship. Join an Evangelical mega-church near you!

Oh, and don’t forget to put a double shot in your cappachino when you arrive Sunday morning. You will need the extra boost to get in the groove! Help the Spirit, you know. And yes, we do have cup holders for our theatre-styled seats.

Welcome! We love, love, love you and — thanks for choosing our church!! It’s much more entertaining here than where you USED to go!

This is a bit of irony that pokes a bit of fun at the contemporary “worship scene” in many churches today. But the last video is simple and straightforward — the liturgy of the early Church, the Church of saints and martyrs.

If that is not enough, look a bit deeper and see how you can get your own mega-church! Bring them in!

Compared to Sunday morning in 155 AD! The following was written by St. Justin Martyr to explain to the Emperor what happened every Sunday in EVERY church in the Roman Empire. It is one of the passages that made me a Catholic and made Janet and I fall in love with the Catholic Church and the Mass. We are in continuity with historical Christianity and and members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. And this is where We ARE going on Sunday!


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Theresa in Alberta

    Steve, thankyou for the laugh this morning!! I now really feel sorry and more compassion for our protestant brothers and sisters!!!!! I didnot realize how bad it was for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My thankfullness to our Lord JC in the Holy Eucharist has just been renewed and I am even more gratefull to him for this gift!
    just a side comment. I heard Raymond Arroyo mention on EWTN that the police authorities in Scotland commented that attendance to see our Most Holy Father B16 is as high as 125,000.

  2. Pete

    For Theresa in Alberta: Theresa, all of may family are non-denominational mega-church members. I have gone with them many, many times (in excess of 500) to their services. Some of the stuff I have seen would make your jaw drop. Confetti canons blowing confetti ofver the entire congregation, the congregation doing African praise dancing (in the theatre style seats)., skits, plays, soloists who would put Ella Fitgerald to shame. And, honest to goodness, a food concession in the lobby A COMMERCIAL FOOD CONCESSION! Bookstores that rival Borders. It’s simply beyond belief. The band and light shows are great. The singers are good and pretty and the light shows would put a U2 concert to shame.

  3. Mike

    Are you trying to impress Theresa and anyone else who reads this with your descriptions? This does not impress me what-so-ever. Like Steve is saying, to me all this is is self fulfilling entertainment, and maybe praise at best. Worship it is not. Jesus commanded us to celebrate the Eucharist in remembrance of him.

  4. Reyna

    I converted to the Catholic Church just a few weeks ago at the Easter Vigil after being raised Pentecostal my entire life. Although I was never a member of a mega church I can relate to the first video and I did have a good chuckle watching it. But I think it’s incredibly important to remember that many in these churches are incredibly genuine and are wanting to know more of God. And they go to a place where they feel love and supported and yes, even feel as if they have an encounter with Him through the music or the message. I am incredibly thankful to God that I now get to know him through the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. But it his only been after years of prayer and discernment. Protestants don’t need anyone feeling sorry for them, they need devout Catholics that truly live out their faith in their daily lives and in doing so, show the beauty of the Catholic faith.

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