Today I am on Catholic Answers Live at 6 PM Eastern time. The topic is “What is your Authority?” You can listen to the archived show HERE. For other listening options, click HERE.
Questions I answered tonight on Catholic Answers Live. I did the show live from Baraga Broadcasting in Indian River Michigan where we are visiting my wife’s family. Thanks to Tom McMahon and Brian Brachel for their help.
1) Did Emperor Constantine decide which books belonged in the Bible? The History Channel said he did.
2) I am converting to the Catholic Church from Episcopalianism. Am I moving from one church of shifting sand to another?
3) When talking to non-Catholics is it better to go back and forth debating verses, or to ask them why they accept the Bible alone as their authority?
4) How did the Jews decide their collection of book in the Old Testament? When did they decide this?
5) What does “Orthodoxy” mean, especially as it relates to the Eastern churches?
6) Was there Anti-popes or a time when there was no pope on the Chair of Peter?
7) What is the Didache and why is it important?
8) And a few others…
