What a 2-day stretch! And what a typhoon (a hurricane in the Pacific is called a typhoon).
First, Janet and I spoke yesterday to over 1,000 beautiful, excited and brilliant high school girls at Poveda Catholic School in Quezon City. I spoke about Mary, purity and living the Christian life in the real world. We spent over 2 hours with them. Over 100 of them swamped my Twitter account leaving messages at http://www.twitter.com/JerusalemJones. These girls were unbelievable and we thoroughly enjoyed their enthusiasm, spirituality and laughter.
In the evening Alex Tan drove us to the huge gathering of the Couples for Christ Regional Gathering. We entered the hall to the joyous singing of Catholics in love with Jesus and the Catholic faith. I gave my conversion story to the enthusiastic group.
Then the real excitement began! On the way home, around 11PM the typhoon hit with powerful winds. The locals said it was a strong typhoon with little rain but stronger winds.
By the time we entered our subdivision in Alabang the electricity was already gone and branches were falling onto the road. We rushed into the house. For the rest of the night we listened to howling wind as trees crashed to the ground, including one in our yard here. I slept thru much of it but Janet laid awake with big eyes much of the night.
Lots of folks prayed for us and gave advice on http://www.facebook.com/JerusalemJones. It was very exciting but a bit scary too. I always wanted to experience a hurricane or typhoon and I got my wish. God is good to us.
The power and force of the storm, way bigger than us puny humans puts things in perspective. Romans 1:19-20 tells us that we can know about God by the power and order expressed (preached) by creation. We sure saw the power of God’s creation last night. Puts a bit of fear of God into your life.
We got up early to take a walk since the typhoon had blown over. You can see our walk here http://bit.ly/9In6zY
Then I went for a run to see other areas effected by the storm. You can see the run here http://bit.ly/bwReT5.
It is now 8:15 PM (8:15 AM Eastern time) and the electricity came on. The excitement is over. Tomorrow we fly early to Davao in Mindanao for five talks there. Then back to Manila for a three evenings teaching the history of salvation from Adam to today. Also more talks at schools.
Please pray for us!
