Upcoming Schedule in the Philippines

“Schedule in the Philippines”
July 10th – Apologists Get-together at VirraMall Greenhills – Chapel of the Holy Family 1-5PM
July 12 – Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord (5/F MegaMall Atrium area) 7-10PM. Free Admission
July 14 -Christ the King Greenmeadows (To be confirmed) Free Admission
July 18 – Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) 1-6 PM with Lord’s Flock, Rivers of Living Water and Lights of Jesus Communities. Free Admission
PRIESTS / SEMINARIANS can attend the San Carlos Seminary talk scheduled on July 10 at 9 AM. (To be confirmed)
Any questions, please email me at info@defensoresfidei.com
Please tell your Filipino friends and family
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