It is great to give a talk about the Eucharist in Corpus Christi Texas which is the name of the Blessed Sacrament. Janet and I had a great time and met so many converts and a bunch of Baptists thinking about the Church.

It was a great conference with over 4,000 enthusiastic Catholics and a good number of inquisitive Protestants.

One man approach me and said, "I am from a family of Jehovahs' Witnesses; I was a devoted Jehovah's Witness. I read your book "Upon this Rock" and what you wrote was irrefutable. It made me convert to the Catholic Church. Mr. Ray, you saved my soul!" Wow, my eyes watered up!

I spoke on "Born Again? Faith Alone?" and "Peter: the Rock, the Keys and the Chair," and "The Eucharist: You are What You Eat."

It was great to meet up again with Rosalind Moss, Fr. Pacwa, Jesse Romero and other good friends.

It is late Sunday, we just returned and I am BUSHED! I am falling into bed. Good night!
