Here is the rest of the day on video — after seeing the Shroud. Every scattered to eat in one of the ubiquitous and delicious Italian cafes. You can’t find a bad restaurant or food in Italy!
Then we had options to go back and pray at the Shroud, take a walking tour of Turin, go shopping and exploring, or go back to the hotel. Then we had a marvelous Mass in the Church of Francis DeSales which contains the incorrupt body of St. Don Bosco. Fr. Courtney is awesome as you will witness!
Then we had a great dinner and gathered for LIz Lev’s marvelous talk and explanation of the Holy Shroud. She has such a delicious sarcasm for anything unorthodox or liberal and her delightful humor only enhanced the wonderful information she relays. It was great.
Then everyone crashed into bed to get ready for a big day of traveling to Assisi. During the long ride we will pray the Rosary, hear conversion and vocation stories, have a comedy club and much more.
