I have been on a Relevant Radio speaking tour through Minneapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee and now Green Bay Wisconsin. Tonight I will speak to a sold out audience in Green Bay on MARY, REAL GIRL & WOMAN OF MYSTERY.
Tomorrow I will also be giving two talks at a men’s conference here too. Great guys ready to know, explain, defend and live the Catholic faith.
This morning I was on the air live in the Relevant Radio studios with my friend Sean Herriott (picture right). I have been on his show by phone many, many times but it was nice to see him in persona and do the show live in the studio.
Then this afternoon I joined Drew Mariani and Fr. Rocky.
I also met friends I knew only by voice: Doug Thompson (picture below – excellent producer of Morning Air), Josh Raymond (bearded and handsome like Joshu in the OT), Eddie O’Neil (“call no man father”), Cassandra Everts (producer of the Drew Mariani Show) and Chris Frost (who invited me to speak all over Relevant territory) among others.
What a great bunch of folks doing a great job to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and his Church.
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