After the Pro-life Democrat betrayed America and the unborn to support Obama’s “health care” bill which will end up killing the unborn and the elderly, he is now resigning. Read more here.
He was hit so hard for his stupid vote that he knows he will lose his re-election and again decides to be a coward and quit. But his quitting is GOOD for Michigan, GOOD for America and GOOD for the unborn.
It is impossible to be Democratic and pro-life and Stupak proved it. Other Democrats (and all liberal, anti-life, pro-Obama health care politicians) better take note.
Stupak should have never cowered to Obama and Pelosi. He could have been an American hero but instead he will now go down in history as a traitor and a manipulated coward and panderer.
Americans are not going to tolerate the take-over of their country nor the abandonment of the unborn. Rise up America!
