“Pakistan: rape and torture are penalty for Christians’ failure to renounce faith
In a brutal display of Islamic extremism, a Pakistani Christian who refused to renounce his faith was set on fire by Muslim militants. When police arrived on the scene, rather than helping the man, they raped his wife while the couple’s children watched the atrocities.”
The only thing I would disagree with is the word “extremism.” This is the ripe fruit of Islam, following in the footsteps of their prophet, and dealing with infidels the way the Quran teaches.
Pakistani Christian girl enslaved by police officer, burned alive
A Christian girl from the eastern Pakistani city of Sheikhupura was enslaved by a Muslim police officer and burned alive. “The girl had been enslaved by a woman, Sama, a ‘dealer’ of youth sold as prostitutes or slaves to wealthy Muslim families,” according to Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. “Once she convinced Kiran’s mother (with false promises and illusions) to take her, Kiran was forced to file a complaint against her own parents (for non-existent violence), threatening that otherwise they would be killed.”
Bangladesh: 50 Christians injured in Muslim attacks

Armed with knives, bricks, and sticks, a group of Muslims attacked Christian villagers in Bangladesh on March 20, injuring 50.
Wake up America!
