Stupak Shoots Down Last Chance to Protect Life


With the support of a bloc of “pro-life” Democrats led by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-MI, the House passed a massive health care bill on Sunday night. The U.S. bishops conference and pro-life leaders denounced the bill, saying it will lead to government-funded abortion. Read more. Deal Hudson: Stupak failed us.


Schlafly: Health Care Vote Set to Expose the Myth of the ‘Pro-Life Democrat’

“Any formerly pro-life Democrat who casts a ‘Yes’ vote for this Senate health care bill tonight will be forever remembered as being among the deciding votes which facilitated the largest expansion of abortion services since Roe v. Wade.”  For the whole letter, click here.


Stupak decision ‘Unconscionable’ — Simple demand to have pro-life protections in law abandoned
CHICAGO –  Brian Burch, President of, issued the following statement in reaction to the Stupak-Obama agreement:
“The decision by Rep. Stupak to accept an Executive Order to solve the abortion issues in the health care legislation is unconscionable. The Executive Order fix is a band-aid solution that fails to solve the fundamental problems in this bill, and can be repealed at any time, for any reason, by the President or future presidents.  The Order is likely to be challenged by pro-abortion groups, and could be struck down by the courts.
Regrettably, Rep. Stupak has abandoned those who have stood by him during the recent weeks and months.
The Catholic Bishops along with and every major pro-life organization oppose this ‘fix.’  We have defended Rep. Stupak for months, but today we stand in protest of his decision.
For the whole letter, click here
