Vatican answers critics on abuse
Pounded by stories in the European media about the sex-abuse scandal that is exploding across the continent, the Vatican released an unusual statement on Saturday, March 13, defending Church policies and refuting stories that had sought to link Pope Benedict XVI directly to the scandal.
Today there are thousands of stories about sexual abuse that are appearing in the worldwide media. Clearly there is a stampede to find – or invent – evidence that Pope Benedict has been involved in covering up clerical abuse. Fortunately the Vatican is fighting back, and in the process providing more information on how abuse cases are handled.
UPDATE 3/16/2010:
Munich case: facts do not support link to Pope
While journalists have been using a sex-abuse case in the Munich archdiocese in efforts to form a direct link to Pope Benedict XVI, emerging details of the case show clearly that the future Pontiff was not involved in appointing the accused molester to do parish work.
Celibacy not the issue, Vatican says
Church officials are moving quickly to answer suggestions that the discipline of clerical celibacy is responsible for clerical sex abuse.
