Sorry I have fallen behind — I will catch up! We have been swamped with talks and meetings. Now we are packing to leave. I still have a big Q & A session at the church in Dubai which will probably attract over 2,000.
As soon as that is over we are whisked away to the airport where we will board the Delta flight from Dubai to Atlanta where we catch a connection to Detroit. We will be on the international flight for 17-18 hours and then 3 hours to Detroit.
As soon as I land in Detroit I am going to St. Anastasia Catholic Church in Troy Michigan to give a talk on the Eucharist. Usually the speaker is worried the audience will fall asleep during his talk; this time the audience can be worried that the speaker might fall asleep during his talk 🙂
It has been a marvelous time in Bombay and Dubai and God really blessed the events beyond our expectation! Much fruit was given and it was all recorded so the videos will spread around the whole area to all the Catholics — and the non-Catholics. So, I sign off for now but will keep up with Twitter (on my home page) through my iPhone.
