We have a small, intimate group going to visit the Holy Land in April, right after Easter. Janet and I will be your guides. The weather will be gorgeous, the people friendly, and the holy sites are waiting to inspire and enthrall you.
The food is great, the hotels comfortable and located right at the holy sites!
Click here to download the brochure. Give Suzanne a call if you have questions at 800-727-1999, extension 121 or write her at sparran@ctscentral.net. You can also write me at sray@rc.net.
Also, click on the image to right to visit our pilgrimage website. Hope to see you in Jerusalem!

“Thanks first.  What a great pilgrimage.  Thank you so much for all you do for the Kingdom of God.  What a blessing to experience the land where God walked with our family and such experienced and knowledgeable guides.”

“Thank you all once again for being part of one of the most memorable experiences of my life.  The gospels will have new colour from now on; the seasons and mysteries of Christmas and Easter will be filled with memories of the places where these events took place.”
