I Am On Catholic Answers Live in 5 Minutes, 4 Minutes…DONE!

Topic: Questions from Non-Catholics. For archived listening options check here. To listen now, click here.
Here are the questions I answered tonight:
1) The Bible says we should not commune with the dead? Why do Catholics pray to dead saints?
2) Why does the Catholic Church teach evolution, like Darwinianism, and not the six days the Bible teaches?
3) Why do Catholics accept Tradition in addition to the Bible? How is it that you believe things never written down?
4) I am on the fence, can’t go back to Protestant churches, but now Catholic — what to do?
5) How can saints in heaven hear prayers when millions of people are praying at one time?
6) I want to convert to the Catholic Church but my wife is not happy about it. What should I do?
