I will be joining Sean Herriott at 7 AM Eastern on Relevant Radio. We will discuss Monday’s feast of the Triumph of the Cross. We will also discuss today’s Feast of our Lady of Sorrows since she was at the foot of the Cross.

On Monday I was fortunate enough to join Fr. Groeschel in his private chapel in Larchmont NY at the Trinity Retreat Center for the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross — with six priests in a tiny little chapel in his house.
I would have liked to have a better picture, but it just seemed inappropriate to pull out my iPhone during the very solemn and holy Mass.
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I took this picture of Mary in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem — right next to Calvary. This is my favorite statue of the suffering Mary with the sword piercing her own soul (Luke
I am providing a link to a few of my articles on the Cross to celebrate this feast day–  and to provide more info for those who listened to the show.
The Cross & the Crucifix: a Letter to a Fundamentalist
What Does God See Every Morning when He Opens His Eyes: the Crucifix
The Sign of the Cross
Steve’s audio CD: “The Pain of the Crucifixion”
“Alexamenos Worships his God” written in Greek
-Earliest surviving depiction of the Crucifixion is the Alexamenos graffito from a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome 1st-3rd century. It was made to mock and ridicule Christians. The cross was not a sign of glory in the first years because it was still used as a gruesome form of execution. For more see the Wikipedia article here.
