President Obama condemns killing of pro-life activist

“President Barack Obama has condemned the “deplorable” killing of Michigan pro-life activist James Pouillon. “Whichever side of a public debate you’re on, violence is never the right answer,” he said in the statement.”
I am glad Obama is against killing pro-life activists . . .
. . . but it sure seems inconsistent to me that he can point to one group with words of non-violence while pointing to the pro-abortion groups in supporting a medical procedure that pulls a baby’s head out of his/her mother’s womb . . .
partial birth abortion
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. . . before piercing the baby’s skull with a blunt object and then sucking his/her brains out with a vacuum . . .
. . . so they can declare the baby dead at birth before the rest of the body is removed from the mother. “Dead at birth!”
This is called Partial Birth Abortion and this president promotes the practice.
Nice try at peace and anti-violence Mr. President! Everyone enjoying all this new HOPE and CHANGE?
(For those who think it is inappropriate that I post a picture like this of a mangled human being — I suggest that if it had been you — you might not be so opposed — since you would want everyone to know the injustice and violence that had been inflicted upon you before you even knew the warm touch of another human being.)
