Here is my run on Saturday which took me around the Walls of the Vatican, to Piazza Navona, Church of St. Agostino (Augustine), Castle of the Angel (St. Michael), the Bridge of the Angels crossing the Tiber River, St. Peter’s and much more.
Running is a great way to see Rome! I am hoping to have time to put up a long YouTube video I took of the run. It was very fun and interesting.

On Monay Janet and I walked four miles around Aquilina Hill visiting all its churches including St. Mary Major, St. Prudenzia, St. Prassede, St. Peter in Chains, Church of St. Monte, and St. Vincent’s.
After lunch I ran four miles up a big hill past North American College (American seminarians) to an overlook of all of Rome, down the Appia Antica, and past St. Peters to our apartment.
Getting ready to join Fr. Groeschel on Sunday on his EWTN TV show.
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