I went in for my yearly physical. I am 54 years old. The doctor said my exercising and eating better has made me healthy. Good cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure.

But then he asked the dreaded question: “Have you gotten your colonoscopy yet?” He started asking that when I turned 50. I kept putting it off. I hate clinics and hospitals. But he got quite insistent.
Yesterday I could eat no food. I could only drink clear liquid. Starting at 1 PM I started taking Dulcolax pills and starting at 5 PM I began drinking two quarts of GatorAde with a whole bottle of MiraLAX mixed in. I didn’t enjoy the day. I didn’t enjoy the night.
Now it is 8 AM and I am heading to the Gasto-intestinal clinic. I’m not enjoying this morning!
But it is nice to know I won’t have to do this again for another five years. If you are over 50 and aren’t getting physicals and drinking laxatives all day, you really should. They say it is good for you. If I can do it, you can do it.
And you better do it before Obamacare kicks in.
