Angel in the Waters is a simple, non-confrontational book that will make young children decidedly pro-life long before they ever hear the word “abortion.”

It will convince many mothers contemplating abortion to keep their babies.

In just two minutes, you can read the whole book online.

(Just last week our proofreader, Nora, was proofreading Angel in the Waters online when her three-year-old daughter turned away from a cartoon show, saw a page of this book on the computer screen, and demanded that Nora read the whole book to her right then!)

See for yourself. Buy a copy for the kids in your life. Send this e-mail link to friends and family.

Take two minutes to read Angel in the Waters on-line at

For more information or for bulk purchases, contact Sophia Press at:

My son, who has made me a grandfather twice now, and who is a pro-lifer and devout Catholic wrote:

“I like it a lot. Particularly two things: The stars that represent the angel make the mother’s womb look like a mysterious galaxy—a very special place. Also, the reference to “another bigger world outside this one” was exciting and a great comparison to the baby’s previous world. Thanks for sharing this with me. I am glad you will be helping promote this book.”
