I know many wonderful nuns and religious orders (e.g., Sisters of Mary-Mother of the Eucharist and Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity); BUT there are others that scare the “you know what” out of me.
The Pope has set up a commission to investigate women religious in the USA and I think it’s about time.
Dissident nuns/sisters/orders can do more damage to the Church and the faithful in a short amount of time than just about anyone, especially when they are in charge of teaching and education within a parish or diocese. Gratefully they are rapidly dwindling in numbers.
Othodox orders that are faithful to the Church are growing rapidly with young women joining in great numbers, but the tired old hippy generation of dissident, feminist, New Age, religious sisters are disappearing along with their shag carpet, eight-track tapes and tie-died T-shirts.
There is a great new article in Catholic World Report this month and I LOVE the cover (click on image for larger picture). I can usually spot these women a mile away and I am glad they are finally making the news! God bless Pope Benedict!
Apostolic visitation of US nuns is making waves
A front-page New York Times story on the Vatican’s concern about women’s religious orders in the US offers a strong indication that the apostolic visitation announced earlier this year is being taken seriously– both by the Holy See and by American nuns.
