Interesting site with articles on the Eucharist and the Real Presence, a catalog of Eucharistic miracles and more. It is a wealth of information — especially as we approach Corpus Christi Sunday.
I knew nothing of this as a Protestant and find it absolutely intriguing now. I am so glad to be a Catholic and to understand the Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Referring to Eucharistic Miracles, Janet and I have been to Orvieto and Lanciano in Italy. Incredible!
View the site here


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mike Sanders

    There are a couple of good books about Miracles of the Eucharist by Bob and Penny Lord too! I believe they also have a show on EWTN!

  2. Gregory Thaumaturgas

    Nice! I believe there’s a book called “Eucharistic Miracles” written by someone with the last name of Cruz or something like that. Fascinating field, I was quite interested when I got into it 🙂

  3. Helen

    Please do visit this site, may GOD BLESS ALL

  4. J Falk

    Father John Hardon’s work has been absolutely critical in my understanding of orthodox Catholicism. His book, The Catholic Catechism, is an excellent source on the teachings on the Church with respect to history and in the light of the second Vatican Council. You’ll find no greater defender of the “real” Real Presence anywhere.

  5. Cephas

    The best book to read about the Mass is The Incredible Catholics Mass by Fr. Martin Von Cochem written in the late 17th century. The books is extraordinary in every sense, Fr. Von Cochem goes over what the mass means and goes through a countless number of miracles happening at mass.
    This book is a must have by every Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Christian.

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