My friend Jerry Usher, former host of Catholic Answers Live sent me this email (and we love the coffee so I decided to send this message along):
Greetings! I’m writing to ask if you’ll do me the favor of supporting the Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ( in Cody, Wyoming, by simply drinking their world famous coffee. It’s known as Mystic Monk Coffee, and you can learn more about it at
The reason I’m asking you to do the monks this favor is because they have done a gigantic favor for Catholic radio stations this spring by donating about 1,500 gift cards valued at $15 apiece. The stations used them as premiums to give to their donors during their spring pledge drives.
They made a huge difference for the stations, and now I want to help God bless the monks in return for their unhesitating generosity toward Catholic radio stations. As you can see, the monks contributed over $20,000 worth of gift cards to radio stations. It’s true that the stations all agreed to run spots featuring the monks’ coffee, but that doesn’t guarantee them a return for their kindness.
So, I would like to ask you to do four very simple things:

1.      Log on to
2.      Place an order for a bag of coffee or anything else you see that you might be interested in (they have coffee accessories, apparel, chant CDs, and more)
3.      Send this request out to your entire e-mail list asking them to do likewise
4.      Pray that God will pour out His graces upon this great community of men who have dedicated their lives to prayer and seeking holiness
I am praying that this will generate a groundswell of grass roots support for the monks by way of orders for their coffee and other items. They have dozens of men who want to join their community, but not enough room to accept them. Roasting and grinding coffee is their way of supporting themselves and eventually building a larger monastery in the shadow of the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
Please help them today. I thank you – and I’m sure the monks will thank you – from the bottom of my heart. From Jerry Usher
