Dr. Hahn Pilgrimage: Last Day in Galilee, Arriving in Jerusalem


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Stacy Molai

    Hello everyone at home!!! Hi Jon, thank you so much for watching everyday, I miss you so much!! To ALICIA DePAULIS: Your dad just got back from having a cappucino with my dad! He says to tell you we’re having LV weather (HOT!) ha ha! Amy and Ashley have been shopping! Alex says hi too. 🙂 Amy will try to email you later.

  2. Reg Konrade

    Jenell and Brad,
    Don’t worry about the phone call, not a big deal. Glad to hear from you! Pretty neat huh? Do you have Jackie’s telephone number? Or address? We would like to send Julene a postcard, but need the address. Had the best day yet today! Steve is to post the last two days by this evening (noon or early afternoon your time.) Having a great pilgrimage! Love you!
    Reg, Jan and Fr. Jarett

  3. Sally Lewis

    Wish we were there – what a wonderful feeling to be where Jesus was!! I offered my communion for you both.

  4. Sally Lewis

    Wish we were there – what a wonderful feeling to be where Jesus was!! I offered my communion for you both.

  5. Sally Lewis

    Wish we were there – what a wonderful feeling to be where Jesus was!! I offered my communion for you both.

  6. Sally Lewis

    Wish we were there – what a wonderful feeling to be where Jesus was!! I offered my communion for you both.

  7. Sarah Harrison

    Want to send a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ed Rademacher AKA Pa… Love you!!

  8. marjorie robinson

    Dear Steve,
    I am Deacon Lee and Alice Levenson’s daughter. My 3 children (Cole, Mark, & Alice ) and I have loved looking at your blog daily. My children were very concerned about where their grandparents were going, my oldest even loosing some sleep, it give them great comfort to see what “Dolly and Poppop” are doing. They look forward to coming home from school to catch a glimpse of them, Thank you for all your time and hard work you put into the blog. It is greatly appreciated.
    God Bless,
    Marjorie Robinson

  9. Linda Mainard

    Steve & Karen Timm and Joyce Kissel…. Ear’s looking at you kid.. :o}
    God’s Joyful Blessings Linda

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