Sorry I have fallen behind a bit. We have been very busy and internet has been a problem. Here is Day Three — Beatitudes, Caesarea Philippi, Golan and our special dinner. More soon.


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Linda Mainard

    Joyful Greetings to Steve & Karen Timm and Joyce Kissel. I am delighted to see you are getting fed. It looks like you are having a wonderful adventure. I can’t wait to hear all the stories.
    God’s Joyful Blessings Linda

  2. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on video. What a wonderful idea. I loved seeing you at the church at Cana renewing you vows. I’ll pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  3. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on video. What a wonderful idea. I loved seeing you at the church at Cana renewing you vows. I’ll pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  4. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on video. What a wonderful idea. I loved seeing you at the church at Cana renewing you vows. I’ll pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  5. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on video. What a wonderful idea. I loved seeing you at the church at Cana renewing you vows. I’ll pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  6. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on the video. What a wonderful idea! I saw the renewing of your wedding vows at Cana and that had to be very special. I will pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  7. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on the video. What a wonderful idea! I saw the renewing of your wedding vows at Cana and that had to be very special. I will pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  8. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on the video. What a wonderful idea! I saw the renewing of your wedding vows at Cana and that had to be very special. I will pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  9. Sally Lewis

    Hi Mike and Rosie,
    I was so happy to see you two on the video. What a wonderful idea! I saw the renewing of your wedding vows at Cana and that had to be very special. I will pray for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  10. Melissa Pollock

    To the Pollocks (Kathy, Joe & Brenden),
    We are so happy to get to follow your journey & catch glimpses of you every now and then! Hope you are having a wonderful time! Miss you very much.. Be safe! Conner, Mommy, & Daddy miss you very much!!! Love you!

  11. Jonathan

    Hi everyone!
    Stace, I can hear your laugh but I can never see you! I am glad to HEAR you having a good time! 🙂 I love you! Mom and Ron, you guys need to get in there too! Where are you!? HA! Have fun on the boat ride, sounds like a great time!

  12. Megan

    Hi Dad, Shirley, and Stacey,
    It looks like you’re seeing some incredible sites! I hope you’re having a wonderful time. I got a quick glimpse of you but try to get a little more face time with the camera – it makes this spectator sport even more fun! Love – Meg

  13. Mike, Dori, Maria, & Joey Minnelli

    Hi Mom/Grandma and Mrs Bruns,
    Saw you being sprinkled with water from the Jordan River. Looks like you are having an great time visiting some awesome sites. If you have a chance, say hi to the camera. We would love to hear from you. Saw you taking pictures one one of the videos, one of your natural positions…:-) Hope your new camera is working well for you. Still have a few more videos to watch….
    Mike, Dori, Maria, and Joey

  14. Ginger Gardner

    I am so sorry to not have sound on this for some reason. Every time I click on this website I lose sound! But Polly, I see you are having a good time and look forward to hearing about your trip! You guys look like you are having the time of your life!

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