
This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Kelli Jacobs

    Hi Mom & Dad (Kathy & Joe Pollock) & Brenden! We miss you all very much, but can see what a great time and wonderful experience you are having! Mom & Dad – Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary and congrats on renewing your vows. Brenden, I saw you taking their picture – hope it comes out well! Love the videos!
    XOXO Kelli, Brian & Kiernan

  2. Emilia

    Hi Brenden,
    Hope your having fun! Are you a Priest yet? We saw you on youtube, smile!
    We miss you at the lunch table. See you soon.
    Have Fun, Emilia

  3. Sonia Green

    Mom (Mary Green),
    Stop hiding from the camera and you better go swimming in the dead sea! You will never forgive yourself if you don’t.
    Much love,

  4. Ninish

    Thanks for the blog – it is so much fun to follow our friends thru their pilgrimage to the Holy Land. If it is not too much of a trouble for you could you please extend my greetings to a couple in your group – the McCreadys. Please tell them I said Hi from Centreville, VA. Thanks and God bless.

  5. Linda Mainard

    I loved seeing Steve and Karen Timm getting their marriage vows renewed in Cana. Wow what a blessing to share with your dear friend Joyce there. We sent our prayers to you yesterday as we gathered at Bible Study. He has raisin indeed… Hallelujah
    God’s Joyful Blessings Linda

  6. Mardy Mackeprang

    Enjoy seeing the videos. This message if for Larry & Faye Heine. Sounds like you’re having a great time. We are having lots of wind and the temps are in the 90’s. Pray for rain and no wind. Will talk again. Mardy

  7. Tony and Rose Wathen

    Just wanted to let Ron and Shirley Huss that we now know that they are married. We saw them renewing their wedding vows at Cana. Congratulations to you and all your companions. We’ll be heading to Steve’s ordination on Friday. Hope to see Gabe and Sarah Hahn while in Lincoln.
    Tony and Rose

  8. Donna Turcsarnyi

    Hi, name is Donna and I just want to say hello to my dear friend Alice Steigerwald who is with your group. The videos are wonderful! Alice, I saw you on the videos. Enjoy your trip – you are so blessed! I will be with you in spirit, in a different way than Rich is. Keep smiling, love ya, Donna.

  9. Jenell Hartman

    Reg, Jan, and Fr. Jarett,
    It is amazing to watch and see snip-its of your amazing trip. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more. Sorry for the 3 a.m. phone call but we were worried Fr. Jarett’s car was taken. (it would have been helpful to know that someone was going to come borrow his car.)
    Love and prayers,

  10. Jonathan

    HI PUMPKIN, MOM AND RON! HA! I knew I would see you guys! My dad and I have been watching every day! I hope you guys are enjoying your visit! Can’t wait to see you again- I miss you!! Wish I was there! Looks like a wonderful experience! I love you honey! :)!

  11. A. Sullivan

    Hello Marie and Seb,
    How wonderful to get the opportunity to renew you vows and visit all those beautiful churches. We are si lucky to follow you as you journey everywhere that Christ once stood. May your pilgramge continue to be awsome. Wish I was with you.
    God Bless,

  12. Sally Lewis

    Dear Mike and Rosie,
    I’m so thrilled to get to see you on this video. What a wonderful idea! The churches are beautiful and I could see you making your wedding vows. I am praying for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  13. Sally Lewis

    Dear Mike and Rosie,
    I’m so thrilled to get to see you on this video. What a wonderful idea! The churches are beautiful and I could see you making your wedding vows. I am praying for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  14. Sally Lewis

    Dear Mike and Rosie,
    I’m so thrilled to get to see you on this video. What a wonderful idea! The churches are beautiful and I could see you making your wedding vows. I am praying for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  15. Sally Lewis

    Dear Mike and Rosie,
    I’m so thrilled to get to see you on this video. What a wonderful idea! The churches are beautiful and I could see you making your wedding vows. I am praying for all of you to have a safe and spiritual trip.
    love you,

  16. Ginger Gardner

    Hi Polly Bolack!
    I am thinking of you every single day! I pray your time is rich with love, knowledge of Whose you are and I cannot wait until you come home to hear about your trip!
    I will continue to look for you in the videos. Ethan sends love to GG!
    I am so happy for the filming and the blog to watch your trip! So happy for everyone who got to go! May each one see God in a whole new way!

  17. Shannon Swenson

    Hey Steve & Jackie,
    Congrats on renewing your wedding vows in Cana. The trip sounds wonderful, can’t wait to hear more when you return to Austin.
    Shannon & April

  18. Kristen Lehman

    Hi Brenden! Your teachers saw you in the church! We can’t wait for you to tell us all your stories. We miss you! ~Ms. Lehman, Ms. Iverson, Mrs. Berndt

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