A response to Abp. Wuerl’s claims that canon law supports his inaction in regard to Nancy Pelosi

Abp. Donald Wuerl of Washington DC continues to defend his refusal to withhold holy Communion from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in a number of ways, but his recent claims that canon law supports his inaction attract my attention. I think the prelate’s canonical claims are wrong

See why here: http://www.canonlaw.info/2009/05/response-to-abp-wuerls-claims-that.html

Archbishop Wuerl repeats he won’t deny the Eucharist to Pelosi
Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, DC, told an interviewer that he would not refuse Communion to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or to other Catholic politicians who persist in supporting legal abortion. “We don’t use Communion in this way,” the archbishop claimed, contrasting the “legal approach” with the “pastoral, teaching approach” that he favored. Criticizing the view that canonical discipline could bring change, he said: “I have yet to see where the canonical approach has changed anyone’s heart.” When asked whether his own approach had changed hearts, “He smiles, and says one has to take the long view.” . . .
