Not two days after returning from the Philippines, Janet and I jumped on another plane with our video crew to interview Cardinal Francis Arinze who is visiting the United States. He is a prince of the Church, the Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, and on the short list as one who could be the next Pope. Interviews with Cardinal Arinze are not easy to get, but thanks to Fr. Joseph Fessio, we had just such an interview.

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For almost one hour Cardinal Arinze and I discussed David and Solomon, their life and times, and how they are examples for us today. He has a profound knowledge of the Bible and deep insights into the spiritual life. Excerpts of this interview will be in our upcoming DVD “David and Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom” (released Spring 2006) and the full interview will be released in our new “Greatest Figures of Salvation History” series of interviews.

Cardinal Arinze was absolutely delightful. He is from Nigeria and works in Rome. He was funny, extremely intelligent, biblically astute, profound and yet could express the deep truths of the faith in ways easy to understand. Best of all he was a blast — with a great sense of humor. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and was proud and honored to spend time with this great prince of the Church.
