Over the weekend I had the opportunity of speaking to two marvelous groups of “on-fire” Catholics. The first one was the National Fellowship of Catholic Men in Baltimore Maryland and the second a group of couples at World Marriage Day in Troy Michigan.

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Men’s Group:
Imagine 200 manly men using their Saturday to worship, talk and listen to me and two other speakers. These were some great guys. I had originally told Tom Wiegand that I could not speak at their event, but my wife Janet overrode me when she found out it was very near our daughter in Washington DC and Janet said, “Of course Steve will come to your event — and I will spend the time with Cindy and Ben and the two grandsons.“  Worked out well for everyone and my talk was very well received. Mass afterwards was very moving with the thundering deep voices of men singing. (The picture shows a few of the men at Mass.)

Marriage Group:
After jumping a plane and rushing home Sunday morning we rushed right over to Troy

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Michigan for the talk I had to give at the World Marriage Day banquet. As 350 couples gathered for dinner, my talk and dancing, I was very impressed with the people and their obvious enthusiasm for the Christian faith and the sacrament of marriage.

My topic was “Men, Marriage, Sex & Heaven“ and I talked about things very seldom discussed:  sex, pornography, holiness, testosternone, romance, masturbation, marriage, children, committment, love and more. We talked about good sex was a road to heaven — holy sexual relations within the marriage help each partner avoid sin and acheive holiness. Sometimes you could hear a pin drop. The talk was recorded and available on a CD from my website store by clicking here. For my recommended Books for Lovers, click here. This group is certainly a testimony to the world that marriage can and should be full of joy, fun, satisfying love, and 100% committment. It was a joy for Janet and I to spend the evening with these wonderful couples.

Oh, by the way, Janet introduced me and closed by saying “After 28 years, I am still madly in love with this guy!“  Geez, am I lucky or what!?  sray@me.com

Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
