Read the Bible ‘within the faith of the Church,’ Pope says
Bravo Holy Father! This is what I have been reiterating over and over all week in my course too!
Pope Benedict XVI met on April 23 with members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, which had recently concluded a meeting devoted to discussion of “Inspiration and truth in the Bible.”
In his address to the group the Holy Father mentioned the three criteria for proper interpretation of the Scriptures, as identified by the teaching of Vatican II: 1) the unity of the Bible; 2) the living tradition of the Church; and 3) “the cohesion of the individual truths of faith, both with one another and with the overall plan of Revelation and the fullness of the divine economy enclosed in that plan.”
A detached, academic approach is not adequate for understanding the Bible, he stressed; exegetes must read the Scriptures “within the faith of the Church.”
