As of 2:15 PM EST, the Florida judge has ruled that Governor Bush cannot take custory of Terry Schiavo. The Supreme Court has already refused to help her and things do not look good. However, there must still be a course of action and we should pray that God will overcome evil and the Culture of Death in this case.

Breaking News! There is another hearing planned for the judge in Tampa at 6 PM today. It is a hearing about the law — hopefully in a new light.. Stay tuned.

To write or contact Gov. Jeb Bush call the Governor’s office at1-850-488-4441. His e-mail address is:

Update as of 6:30 PM: The judge refused Gov. Bushes latest attempt to take custody of Terri. Short of defying the courts and “kidnapping her” Gov. Bush is out of options.

Looks like Terri will die . . . short of a miracle . . .
