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We had a life-changing surprise this morning. My wife Janet is in pre-menopause hotflashes and all. Our kids are 27, 24, 18, and 13 years old. We have four grandchildred with another “in the oven.“

Janet had a dream a few days ago — a very vivid dream — that she was pregnant — but that was impossible! We are too old and way past such things.

We leave for Guam in the morning (see the blog below this one) so she took a pregnancy test just to prove the dream wrong before we left — her period was not even late.

Now, a little background. Here is my wife Janet asking John Paul II to pray for her. She asked him to pray that she would have another baby now that we had become Catholics. She asked specifically for a boy hoping to raise a priest.

The Pope answered in English  “What?“  Janet asked again, “I want a son Holy Father — I want to raise a priest!“  “Oh“ he said and he then made the sign of the cross on her foreheand and prayed for her. This took place during the Jubilee year in 2000.

I am now 50 years old — and my wife Janet will be 48 in a few weeks. Here is what we discovered this morning! (See picture below.) The doctor told us that Janet conceived the week the Pope died.

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We know that miscarraiges take 30-60% of babies before birth in people our age, but we leave the health of this new soul and his mother in the hands of God and some excellent, pro-life, Catholic doctors.

We already have a name for this boy (if it is actually a boy and not a girl). The name is JJ — for John Joseph Ray. (John = John the Evangelist, John Paul II, and John Vianny) and Joseph for the father of Our Lord.

This little guy (or girl) will definitely have his own Platinum Elite card with Northwest Airlines by the time he is two years old :-)  He is going to have to keep up with his mom and dad! I am already shopping for the perfect baby-carrying backpack!
