I just received this from Tony Ryan, Marketing Director at Ignatius Press:
Here are two excellent articles about the outrage at the University of Notre Dame for inviting Barack O’Bama to give their commencement address, and receive an honorary degree.
One piece is by the great Ralph McInenry, who has taught at ND for over 50 years.
The other is from EWTN.
Lets help spread a major firestorm of protest among Catholics across the USA about this absolute outrage that the school named after the Mother of God would invite the most radically, in-your-face pro-abortion, pro-infanticide president in history to give the commencement speech and receive an honorary degree.
Time to really expose and hammer Notre Dame for the scandalous Catholic institution that it is.
Below are excellent comments on blogs on this matter:
Ralph McInerny article: http://thecatholicthing.org/
EWTN story: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=94503
Ed Peters, Canon Lawyer comments on Notre Dame
Dr. Francis Beckwith’s Comments on his Blog
