I know a lot of people are waiting for updates on the cruise/pilgrimage. I apologize for not getting videos uploaded but the ship does not have wireless internet access. I does have an Internet Cafe with three computers, but the internet access is very limited. It even blocks YouTube. So, I am unable to upload the videos while on the ship. Very aggravationg.
However, everything else is wonderful. Everyone is happy and healthy and thrilled. I will give a short rundown.
Saturday: We had crossed Eagean Sea over night and arrived in Kusadasi Turkey by morning. We disembarked and our three buses took us directly to Mary’s House on the mountainside. We had Mass here. Then we went through the remarkable ruins of Ephesus. I gave a short talk in the ancient, 24,000 seat theatre. We then went to a rug factory for a demonstration and a free lunch. I gave my conversion story to a packed room when we got back on the shop. We then had dinner and a free evening.
Sunday: We disembarked at Antalya and drove up to Perga which was visited by Paul on his First Missionary Journey. I talked about this phase of Paul’s life and our local guides gave us a lot of good history. We visited a remarkable theatre in Espendos and had an elegant lunch in a tradition Turkish restaurant. We also visited an Islamic Mosque to learn about Islam and what a mosque looks like inside. Back to the ship for Mass on the ship, dinner a free evening.
Monday: Today we started early and headed to Tarsus, the birthplace of Paul. We saw the ancient Roman Road, visited the Well of St. Paul, and drank the traditional turnip juice. We stopped along the way for a rest, lunch and a chance to shop a bit. Then back on the bus to Antioch (modern Antakia). The only priest for hundreds miles joined with with great happiness to see us. We had Mass in the ancient cave used as a church from the first centuries — where Paul and Peter and many Church Fathers were. Back to the ship for some free time and dinner.
Tomorrow we dock in Haifa Israel. More tomorrow. I will try to get videos up, but in worst case I will post written updates each day and plst the videos after I get home on March 23. God bless.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cathy Katsianis Maria's sister

    Just sending best wishes to Maria, Tommy and your fellow travelers. Sounds fascinating and like something that could only be appreciated through a tour such as this. Can’t wait to see the video. All is well in the US and have talked to the kids a few times. Invited Mom, Dad and kids for dinner tonight. 3/10/09

  2. Cathy Katsianis Maria's sister

    Just sending best wishes to Maria, Tommy and your fellow travelers. Sounds fascinating and like something that could only be appreciated through a tour such as this. Can’t wait to see the video. All is well in the US and have talked to the kids a few times. Invited Mom, Dad and kids for dinner tonight. 3/10/09

  3. Cathy Katsianis Maria's sister

    Just sending best wishes to Maria, Tommy and your fellow travelers. Sounds fascinating and like something that could only be appreciated through a tour such as this. Can’t wait to see the video. All is well in the US and have talked to the kids a few times. Invited Mom, Dad and kids for dinner tonight. 3/10/09

  4. Cathy Katsianis Maria's sister

    Just sending best wishes to Maria, Tommy and your fellow travelers. Sounds fascinating and like something that could only be appreciated through a tour such as this. Can’t wait to see the video. All is well in the US and have talked to the kids a few times. Invited Mom, Dad and kids for dinner tonight. 3/10/09

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