On the plane recently Janet and I watched two movies which we really enjoyed though they were extremely different.
The first was DOUBT which was recommended to me earlier by several Catholic priests. It is about the priest in a boy’s school who is charged by the head nun of abusing one of the boys. It is very emotional with twist and turns. I highly recommend it. (Click on the image for a video trailer.)

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The second movie was a delightful Japanese film with subtitles. It was entitled Flavor of Happiness. You can see the trailer here. A young woman learns the unique culinary arts of an aging chef. It reminded us of Babette’s Feast — one of our all time favorite movies. Don’t watch this is you dislike good food or if you don’t want to enjoy the slow and intense development of good characters. This is not a fast, shoot ’em up movie but slow, deliberate and delightful. Janet says she can’t wait to see it again.
