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Pro-abortion Catholic to head Health & Human Services?
Obama taps Gov. Sebelius for cabinet post
President Barack Obama yesterday nominated Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a pro-abortion Catholic governor who has been told by her bishop not to present herself for communion, to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Read more.
Obama taps pro-abortion Catholic for key Cabinet post
President Barack Obama has named Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius–a Catholic who has aggressively promoted legal abortion– to head the federal Deparment of Health and Human Services. Her selection stirred immediate protests from pro-life leaders, who vowed to fight the nomination. Last year Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City said that Governor Kathleen Sebelius should not receive Communion because of her support for legal abortion. The archbishop revealed that he had spoken to Sebelius “several times over many months to discuss with her the grave spiritual and moral consequences of her public actions;” he said that her support for unrestricted abortion sent a “spiritually lethal message” to the public. Obama chose Sebelius after another pro-abortion Catholic, former Senator Tom Daschle, withdrew from consideration for the same post because of revelations that he had failed to pay income taxes.
