Yesterday and today in Bombay I talked about Mary’s visit to Ein Kerem where she visited her relative Elizabeth. We just visited Ein Kerem again with our group a week ago. Here we pray the 2nd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary and I explain St. Luke’s incredibly insightful description of this event. Since you will miss my explanation given on location here is Israel, I will put up a short audio clip of my brief description of Mary as the Ark of the New Testament. Click on the link below.

mp3 Mary, Ark of the (New) Covenant 6:11 min 1.06Mb

Here is my article on Mary the New Ark, and here is my collection of what the early Christian taught on Mary the Ark.

Now, notice the two pictures below: Do you notice the parallels? What is similar to each picture?

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First, the glory of God is revealed “above” both arks (the Gold Box and Mary).

In the first, the glory is revealed as the Shekinah Glory Cloud; in the second, the glory of God is revealed in his Son Jesus Christ, God Incarnate.

Do we worship the Ark? No, of course not! Jews didn’t worship the Old Ark, nor do Catholics worship the New Ark. Jews did not worship the box and Catholics do not worship Mary. Jews worshiped what was ABOVE the box — which was the presence of God; Catholics worship what is above the Ark, that which is sitting in Mary’s lap. Both Jews and Catholics venerate and appreciate the ark, but the worship is reserved for what it contains and reveals.

Earlier blog on Mary the Ark here.
