The news is solidifying — the Pope plans to visit the Holy Land in May 2009. I will be there with two separate groups during May, one an open pilgrimage (seats still open) and another leading Dr. Scott Hahn and his group (filled with waiting list).
We are watching the pope’s plans very carefully to see if we can’t join him for a Mass or get to meet him along the way. More later. Now would be a good time to sign up for the last open seats in May.


Plans taking shape for Pope’s May visit to Holy Land
During his May visit to Israel and Palestine, Pope Benedict XVI will visit Bethlehem and Nazareth, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, and a mosque in Jordan, according to journalist Andrea Tornielli of <i>Il Giornale</i>. The respected Vatican-watcher said that the possible outbreak of violence in the region could still endanger plans for the papal trip. The Vatican has not yet confirmed the plans.
