Upcoming January Speaking Engagements

Des Moines, Iowa
Omaha, Nebraska
New Orleans, Louisiana
Mission, Texas
San Francisco, California
Roswell, Georgia
Check my Schedule if you live in these areas and are interested in joining us.

Just landed in Des Moines where I will be speaking on St. Paul for the Legatus chapter here. MAN is it COLD! It is 3 degrees right now and windy. It will be 17 below zero tonight with a windchill of 45 below zero. This is a new experience for us, even though we are from Michigan.

Almost six hundred people braved record cold temperature dropping to 14 below zero to come to St. John Bellarmine Catholic Church in Omaha Nebraska for my talk on St. Paul last night. The were a hardy group and many stayed until late talking. Janet and I had to get up before 4 AM to get to the airport and man, was THAT cold!

Now we are in New Orleans and I just spoke about Mary and I’m looking forward to my two talks tomorrow: 1) St. Paul and 2) Developing Your Spiritual Life. There are 900 enthusiastic Catholics registered here for the Hoflinger Conference and many of them are excited converts.
