News Flash from my Friend Tim Staples:

“I just received tragic news from a good friend in Kansas City, Kansas where I just did a conference some weeks ago and met three wonderful seminarians who were and are on fire for the faith. Those three seminarians that I met, along with another seminarian, were in a very serious car crash today (Thursday, September 15, 2005).

“The accident occurred very close to Mundelein Seminary, the major seminary for the Archdiocese of Chicago, where they were all in formation for the priesthood. The seminarian that I did not meet, Matty Molnar, has died. You can read his blog that he wrote just yesterday at Evidently, he was quite a seminarian and quite a man.

“I have not been able to get the info on all three of the other seminarians because the archdiocesan website was having difficulties with their bios that they had posted. However, I do know that one of the fellows I met, Jered Cheek, is in critical condition. He went in for surgery and that is the last I have heard. I do not recall the names of the other two seminarians, neither did the fellow who gave me this information, but you will be able to get the info eventually at the Kansas City archdiocesan website at

“I remember commenting to the three of them that I was very much impressed with them. They all had crew cuts and looked like Marines in bootcamp! They also knew their faith… and apologetics! Please pray for these great men and for their families.“


UPDATE as of 6 PM, Friday 9/16:
Matty Molnar, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, has died.
Jared Cheek, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, just died.
Rob Spalding, Diocese of Cheyenne, WY, minor injuries.
Mark Rowlands, Diocese of Columbus, OH, minor injuries.

For pictures and a short article from their diocesan newspaper, click here.

Please pray for these men and their families!

I had to read Psalms 37 and 73 again today. David too struggled about why bad things happened to good people and why the evil man prospers. We can never understand everything this side of eternity — but God is no fool anD I continue to trust him while I try to figure things out.
