Ed Peter's the Canon Lawyer has an interesting article today. I agree with him. I think it is unconscionable for a Catholic to even consider a vote for Obama. This man will turn the clock back a hundred years in the direction of the Culture of Death. Because he is young, "handsome," inexperienced, idealistic and well-spoken people think of him as the Messiah. Anyway . . .

Was Prof Douglas Kmiec really denied Communion?
He certainly says he was, by a chaplain irate over Kmiec's endorsement of Obama for president. Now I am as nonplused as the next guy about Kmiec's backing of the unborn's worst enemy … and I was quietly hoping that Kmiec would remain an anomalous singularity. That hope was dashed, however, when Nicholas Cafardi, a prominent lay canonist … lent his name to Obama's Catholic advisor list. Good grief. Oh well, they don't move me: I'd rather watch televised soccer than cast a vote for either Obama or Clinton.

But to deny Kmiec holy Communion for his actions to date?

Read my response at http://www.canonlaw.info/2008/05/was-prof-douglas-kmiec-really-denied.html
