“Steve and Janet had a vision to make the stories of the Bible come alive for themselves by visiting the Holy Land. Now, they share that vision with all who wish to join them going back through time to find the roots of the Catholic faith. Despite words of caution from friends about visiting Israel, my husband and I made our reservations to join the tour. From bustling Tel Aviv to the historic streets of Bethlehem and Nazareth, and on to multi-faceted Jerusalem, we felt entirely safe.

       Panoramic vistas along the way heightened our awareness of what happened in this sacred land. As modern-day pilgrims, we deepened and enriched our faith on this once in a lifetime spiritual journey retracing the footsteps of Jesus and His followers. Renewal of our wedding vows in Cana and renewal of our baptismal vows in the Jordan River were memorable highlights never to be forgotten.

       From the still waters of the Sea of Galilee to the spectacular early morning visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, we were increasingly impressed and awed with each new holy site visited. Our hotels were quiet and comfortable, food was very good, and I even got a ride a camel!  This is a trip not to be missed for all who wish to see the land where Biblical history and Catholic heritage originated. Steve and Janet will be with you every step of the way.


Marilyn Walton

Oxford, Ohio


For many of Marilyn’s pictures, click here
