After my Thursday morning talk at the CSS (Catholic Scripture Study) group in Canton Michigan run by my good friend Sue Middlemis, Janet and I will board a plane for a big weekend conference in New Orleans. More info is on my Schedule page. I will update with picture and info as I am able. Pray for us.

UPDATE: We just arrived and were greeted by Phillip Bellini who drove us to the Crowne Plaza Hotel where the conference is taking place — in the French Quarter at Canal Street and Bourbon. We were greeted by Carole Obroka who is the DRE for the diocese of New Orleans and her assistant Holly. We were also introduced to 5 seminarians who are helping — what great folks.

My three talks are on Saturday with a keynote talk on From Baptist to Catholic, then two other talks: 1) Defending the Eucharist and 2) The Failure of Sola Scriptura. The two other keynote speakers are Archbishop Chaput and Dr. Dolores Grier. We just had some delicious cajun food at Dickey Brennen's Bourbon House Seafood Restaurant, what some have told us is the best restaurant in New Orleans. After the dinner I would certainly not argue with them.
